Tag Archives: Unique Writing Publications


10 May

Sticks and Stones

Price: $9.49 – £7:99
Prints in 3-5 business days
There is a popular saying (and I do not know which country it originated from), that says, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me!” Well, I’m sorry my friend I beg to differ – names do harm us, they destroy our confidence, our self-worth, our personality, our character, our wisdom, our integrity. Don’t listen to the world’s value system; establish your worth according to how God values you. God demonstrated your importance to Him in two special ways. First, He created you in His own image, which basically means you are clever, intelligent, and have great creative abilities. Secondly, had you been the only man, the only woman, the only child (boy or girl), that ever lived on this earth; God still would have sent Jesus Christ, His Son to save us. That makes you child of God someone special – a diamond – priceless! These two things should tell us all that we are not nobodies but some bodies – we are ‘BE-ABOUTS’ in God’s kingdom!


4 Sep

Badger & Bishop

DANIELE LUCIANO MOSKAL, aka ‘Badger’of the Bolts Crew (L.T.F.C) meets fellow brother, friend, and bond-servant in Christ, RENTON BAKER, aka ‘The Bishop’ of the ‘Herd’ (Arsenal) at Pinner Baptist Church, 2016.


Filmed entirely in Luton Town by the award winning ‘Tandem TV’ Christian company from Hemel Hempstead, Herts, England in 2001.
This is the unique and remarkable life-changing testimony of Daniele Luciano Moskal, aka, ‘Badger’ of the ‘BOLTS-Crew’ of Luton Town Football Club, in Bedfordshire, Luton, England – an ex-football hooligan; gang leader; martial arts instructor; professional fashion model; hairdresser, night-club supervisor, award-winning photo-journalist, songwriter, and ex-Paratrooper who after 25 years of serious violence and crime following his beloved football Club all over the United Kingdom, and fighting rival hooligan firms in the 70’s and 80’s.
Daniele Luciano Moskal by God’s grace is an ordained Evangelist and Pastor who is now affectionately known as ‘The Pen Of A Ready Writer’, or John3-34 Evangelist.
He is the prolific writer and ‘ghost-writer’ of over 35 books (non-fiction, fiction, children’s books), and other titles all in print.

Renton Baker’s Testimony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgWUhC1Kq5Q

Former football hooligan testimony – Inspire September 2011 – Renton Baker

A former football hooligan explains his amazing change of heart.  By Sandie Shirley

Renton Baker led a double life. A loving, protective father and husband, he also terrorised opposing soccer fans on the terraces. That was until he faced a dramatic challenge at a church funeral: unless his heart was softened, he was on a collision course with hell. From then on there was a new quest to find real peace. Within days Renton bared his soul to a church minister. “I talked to him for four hours about everything I had ever done; as I spoke I felt clean.” That first encounter with God began a life-changing experience that has taken him across the globe to share his faith. “I learnt that my acts of violence were cowardly and love was the way forward – and the real tough guys were those who stood up for their belief and love for Jesus Christ,” says Renton.

His life spiralled out of control when his father, an ex-boxer and soldier, died when he was just 14. It made him bitter and angry. “Once I beat up a cousin when he told me he had a great day fishing with his dad.” Despite the violence as a football hooligan, using baseball bats, knuckle-dusters and ammonia to temporarily blind his victims, he would be concerned for his mother’s welfare as a widow. At 20 Renton was married, and within four years he was the father of three sons. His violence outside the home escalated, causing mental and physical harm to many of his victims.

It reached a crisis point when he planned to kill a man for landing his son in hospital. “It was frightening looking back,” he says. “I felt calm and in control as I planned to ambush him with the help of a friend.” He was saved from murder when his friend led his intended victim to a way of escape. It began a new way of thinking for Renton: “For the first time, something was telling me that I did not want to be angry any more.”

The turning point came at the funeral of his wife’s grandfather, a former church minister. His wife, Wendy, had turned back to God six months previously and was praying for Renton’s heart to change. “I walked into the church feeling naked and exposed as everyone knew about the things I had done.n“Listening to the minister’s words, I heard about this tough man for Jesus who had known God for 72 years. There was a personal challenge when the minister continued: ‘If you cannot be affected by this man’s life you must be so cold and hard-hearted, that you might as well walk into hell now.’”

Renton began a life-changing path, but a year later his youngest son asked him to help retrieve £2,000 inheritance money that he had lent to a cocaine addict.  For a brief moment Renton’s rage spilled. The police were already at the scene when he was armed with a knife to fight for his son’s rights. Renton was charged with the attempted murder of a policeman and his intended victim. “The charges were built up on some very dangerous and false statements and they were eventually dropped to lesser charges at the beginning of my crown court trial,” recalls Renton.

Disappointment at his failure became a divine re-appointment. Sitting in a prison cell immediately after the event, he promised God he would never do anything like it again. During the court case the judge ordered a two-year suspended prison sentence rather than send him to jail. “God intervened. I witnessed the power of answered prayer. I should never have had bail, let alone be given my freedom. “God is good all the time – full of grace and mercy. Nothing we can do will stop God loving us,” says Renton whose friend committed his life to God three days after the astonishing court ruling.

Today, Renton is a man with a huge heart for God. Building site colleagues refer to him as “the bishop” as he unashamedly shares his faith story. He also takes the platform for his Saviour at prisons, school and men’s meetings across the UK and travels all over the world as an evangelist for Avanti Ministries and Tough Talk.

“This may be my story but it is Jesus’ testimony of grace.”



12 Feb

February 14th is a day when love is in the air for spouses and partners worldwide, who sometimes express their love by buying a greeting card or a special gift for one another. This day is called St Valentine’s Day. So what is true love and where does it come from?

Single-Red-Rose BIG



28 Jan

Wise Leadership Skills new Front Cover

Price: £7.99 (excl. VAT)
Ships in 3–5 business days
This book was specifically written to help and teach ‘wannabe’ wise leaders; life coaches; mentors; teachers; motivational speakers, and entrepreneurs what they need to adopt or learn about when wanting to become a potential leader (‘a shepherd’), a (“person of influence”) of people using two great past leaders, Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill, as examples of what skills are required to become a successful leader in the 21st Century.


11 Aug

Getting ahead in the Job Market

Getting ahead in the Job Market

Price: £7.00
Ships in 3-5 business days.
This book’s objectives are:
1. To enable you to identify key areas of development, which will include: building confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem
2. To enable you to devise key steps to achieve your desired goals.
3. To enable you to develop your communication skills when writing a good CV or a good covering letter (application form), and preparing for interviews. This book has been specifically written and designed for you the school-leaver; the graduate; the unemployed person; the person who has just been released from prison or the mature older person who thinks they can never get a good job.
Foreword kindly written by Theresa Mary Comisky of ‘Employment Angels C.I.C (UK)’


4 Aug


Paperback, 68 Pages
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Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Ships in 3–5 business days
What does the word ‘Disability’ mean? Firstly, referring to the “disabled” just does not help. We are talking about real people first and foremost – people who are daily presented with extra challenges because of a range of impairments they are either born with, or sustained through an accident, particular circumstances, illness or old age. Many people with a disability may not have access to cars and will therefore rely heavily on the usage of public transport to provide mobility and independence. It is vitally important that you and I the reader understands and appreciates the needs of people with disabilities. The effects of some impairment will be immediately obvious to you, but others may be invisible to the naked eye or be easily mistaken for something else. Let us now take a look at some of the facts and disabilities in today’s society…….


21 Jul


Price: £5.99 (excl. VAT)
Download immediately.
“What does the word Disability mean?”
This book has especially written for any person regardless of age group, ethnicity, or business or organisation wanting to become more aware of disabilities and their categories. In this Ebook the author hopes the reader will get a better understanding by simply looking at some of the disability categories which you may experience when coming across people with disabilities, and hopefully consider how best you can respond to their needs should the moment arise. Firstly, referring to the “disabled” just does not help. We are talking about real people first and foremost – people who are daily presented with extra challenges because of a range of impairments they are either born with, or sustained through an accident, particular circumstances, illness or old age.
(C) Copyright 2015 Daniele Luciano Moskal


19 Jul

new cover image

Ships in 3–5 business days
The Pen Of A Ready Writer is the ‘pen-name’ of the prolific and gifted Christian Author & Publisher – Daniele Luciano Moskal. This E book contains some of his best inspirational writings to give you the reader spiritual help by feeding your soul with the bread of God’s Word you need for your faith walk in Christ. May these powerful nuggets of wisdom lead you into God’s presence and bless you, strengthen you, encourage you, and apply God’s calling in way that’s real and meaningful to you by His great grace. “Your life is a story. Each day you get to write a new page. So try to fill those pages with responsibility to God first, to others, and to yourself. If you do, in the end you will not be disappointed!”

Make sure your FACE is in the BOOK

19 May

Make sure your FACE is in the Book

Make sure your FACE is in the BOOK

With one in three people world-wide using Social Media websites everyday for many hours. Christians should therefore remember to never to forget their daily reading of Holy Scriptures – the Word of God. ‘Make sure your FACE is in the BOOK!’ contains some more of Evangelist Daniele Luciano Moskal’s fresh revelation insights to encourage men and women in their Christian faith, and also using a clever way via the book’s title of reminding fellow Christians that Facebook cannot save you – only God can!!!



28 Mar

Unlocking the door to God's Creativity

Unlocking the door to God’s creativity by Chris Higham and Daniele Luciano Moskal

Paperback: £35:00
Ships in 3-5 business days

Chris Higham – is one of Europe’s brilliant Christian painter’s of beautiful fine ‘Gospel-Art’ paintings.

Daniele Luciano Moskal is an Evangelist and a prolific gifted writer and publisher of God’s Word.

“By simply unlocking the door into the resources of a creative GOD, Who knows everything about you, and can fill your mind with imagination, inspiration, and innovative thoughts – then you can also unlock the door into GOD’S creativity that will help you see things not as as they are, but as they can be. And this can and will certainly change your life, whether you are a painter or a writer!!!”
